Amorgozo Villa

Dustin & Salle Beckwith live on a private lake called Lovejoy. We were married in Mexico and love traveling there. So we have named our home Amorgozo Villa, which means Lovejoy in Spanish.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

I'm a Mom!

It's still hard to believe that this precious miracle is mine (and Dustin's)! I think this picture was taken when he was about three weeks old.
By the way, the next photo in the blog was taken on November 16, which I left out of the caption, accidentally. Posted by Picasa


Brode is a month old today! He is a great little boy and has very cute dimples (and clothes)! Posted by Picasa

Visits from Grandma & Grandpa ...

My parents came October 30, the day Brode turned two weeks old (and went to his first doctor's appointment). They stayed for five days and helped so much with taking care of Brode. Dad was a little restless in the house, so he raked our yard and fixed things at Dustin's mom's house next door. It was great to have them here. Posted by Picasa

And Aunt Betsy!

My sister visited November 15-20. She flew into Duluth and we picked her up. She said she had not relaxed that much in 8 years (since her first son was born). I loved having her here to talk and visit and of course, watch Brode. Posted by Picasa

Dustin Arrows a Buck

Shot Friday, November 3, with an arrow on our property, around 4:30 p.m. I left Brode in the house with my mom and helped track the deer, but by the time Tony & I got there, Dustin and his dad had already found him and gutted him. We wrapped Brode up in camo (including his own little hat) and took him out for his first photo posed with a deer (he wasn't too happy about it)! Posted by Picasa

And One with a Gun

Sunday, November 19 - 2nd day of Deer Gun Season. 8 point buck shot around 10 a.m. This was a feisty deer, as it took more than two clips (10 shells) and three people (Dustin, his dad and our brother-in-law Tony) to get him down. Posted by Picasa