Amorgozo Villa

Dustin & Salle Beckwith live on a private lake called Lovejoy. We were married in Mexico and love traveling there. So we have named our home Amorgozo Villa, which means Lovejoy in Spanish.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Happy Independence Day!

On the pontoon, getting ready to watch fireworks at Famous Dave's from the middle of the lake - what a view! We had a great holiday - watch for more photos! Posted by Picasa

Breck Feels a Kick

This is my nephew Breck (age 7) when he came to visit Hayward with my parents the end of June. Photo was taken June 25. The baby moves and kicks a lot now! Posted by Picasa

... And Bigger!

This was taken June 24, 2006, at the end of 21 weeks - about 5 and a half months. The timing of this pregnancy is odd - like the weeks don't match up with the months, but I just keep saying I'm about 5 months along. (Due date is still Oct. 28) The black shirt is getting smaller... :-) Posted by Picasa